Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Hello, Maisha.




I wanted to say something about your father, and I had - well, have trouble figuring out just what to say...

Because/and I know that there is nothing I could think to say that you and your family don't already know about him.

And I am confident there is nothing I could say about him that hasn't already been said, texted, praised, repeated and will be repeatedly repeated in the future.

I know you already know how much he touched those he was around.

I say that, of course, because of how much he touched me.

When I thanked you for letting me know him, I was thanking you for the invitation to the treasure (not a big enough word) that you held...about as high as anyone could.

If I can tell you something you don't know, maybe it is how much I regretted not accepting...not being more receiving of that invitation...and that, within these past few years of trying to get my mind/spirit back right, there had been some urge to reach out toward him.

I knew what he was. I saw the energy he sent out - the invitation he seemed to be making to the world.

So...I guess the thing that I am going to say that you already know and that your loves already know and that a tree of people that have been touched by him already know,

is just how big your father is.

These words aren't big enough. There aren't words big enough.

And, just to say it again,

Thank you for letting me know him.

Hello, Maisha. (inhale),   (sigh). I wanted to say something about your father, and I had - well, have trouble figuring out just what to say...